Un thérapeute a-t-il une vie en dehors de sa profession? Pourquoi cette question? Ecoutez Jacques Trémentin pour le savoir. « S'engager aux côtés des familles – Comment notre histoire personnelle influence notre histoire professionnelle » Claude Seron, Ed. érès, 2017, (266 p. – 25 €).
- Emissions
- Lectures de Jacques Trémintin
- S'engager aux côtés des familles – Comment notre histoire personnelle influence notre histoire professionnelle.
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Podcasts sur les mêmes thèmes
"Star Trek" episode discussions and collectible reviews. Classic Sci-Fi movies & TV shows are revisited. Entertainment news and commentary.
This podcast covers the world of Sci-Fi entertainment. Reviews of Star Trek episodes, films and classic TV and movies. News and information and collectibles are also covered each week.
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Imaginary Worlds
Imaginary Worlds sounds like what would happen if NPR went to ComicCon and decided that’s all they ever wanted to cover. Host Eric Molinsky spent over a decade working as a public radio reporter and producer, and he uses those skills to create thoughtful, sound-rich episodes about science fiction, fantasy, and other genres of speculative fiction. Every other week, he talks with comic book artists, game designers, novelists, screenwriters, filmmakers, and fans about how they craft their worlds, why we suspend our disbelief, and what happens if the spell is broken. Imaginary worlds may be set on distant planets or parallel dimensions, but they are crafted here on Earth, and they’re always about us and our lived experiences.
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Wham Bam Pow with Cameron Esposito
Wham Bam Pow is an action/scifi moviecast. Each week, host Cameron Esposito and panelists Rhea Butcher and Ricky Carmona will terminate your boredom with movies news, interviews & watch along film reviews. It's one show to rule them all!
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The Stack
Essential listening for anyone who cares about the printed word and developments in publishing. From independent publications, new forms of print media and graphic novels to little-known niche magazines, ‘The Stack’ is Monocle’s take on the world of print, focusing on everything from the glossiest fashion title to the grittiest local newspaper.
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L'émission patchwork 100% AOC France
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A Podcast of Ice and Fire
"The delivery and banter can get quite base at times."
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