Hey guys welcome to LETS TALK VENTURE.
Today I'm talking with ANASTASIA, a russian girl who's passing by Lyon in France before finishing her solo trip through Euroe. Together we talk about her carreer as a former anthropologist and english teacher, the life and culture in Russia and obviously funny stories about her trip in Europe.
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You can follow my adventure on instagram and I'll see you next monday for a new episode of LETS TALK VENTURE.
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Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/tony.ung.3
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Podcloud : http://lets-talk-venture.lepodcast.fr/
Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/6HXDVcCyMir6bC57RBpVFl?si=dsg-TpXaQaeDrHRH4Z0REg
Apple Podcast : https://podcasts.apple.com/fr/podcast/lets-talk-venture/id1481011704
Music : David Newman - A Rumor in St Petersburg (from Anastasia original motion picture soundtrack)