Hooray it's the MaxFun Drive!!!! Remember to become a member to get our extra bonus content: Jungle 2 Jungle double movie review, because we know you guys love our reviews! Not to mention many many many amazing other gifts with each level of membership! This week, the twins talk about Beyonce, but more specifically who bit her! They take a twist on the topic and talk about the joy of the mystery and probably solve it. In Nnekay's Korner she is continuing her quest to diversify your bookshelf by blessing you with some amazing Asian American authors to enrich your mind! James takes the korner baton and educates and reminds us all about the long lost art of Girl Groups, specifically R&B 90s Girl Groups- are you ready for a trip down memory lane? Well you better be... also for some possible off tune sing alongs. Since this is the MaxFun Drive... there might be some surprise guest during the breaks... you just never know, who might show up or call in. Links! http://maximumfun.org/donate 90s Girl Group Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/user/127745239/playlist/382sTEoG2fZz8StvPwP22T?si=5uaSTb9bTtulZQ_1exaUDg https://www.huffingtonpost.com/zola-books-/great-asianpacific-americ_b_5351911.html https://kollaboration.org/6426/five-asian-american-sci-fi-authors-you-should-be-reading/ Minority Korner Store: https://teespring.com/minority-korner-t-shirt#pid=369&cid=6513&sid=front Twitter: @minoritykorner Email: minoritykorner@gmail.com Like Us On Facebook: Minority Korner
Publié le par shows@maximumfun.org (James & Nnekay)
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