Everything old is new again, we are going to go back in time to check and see how did the last pandemic effect Black people? Spoiler alert: not well. As we look into the Pandemic of 1918 (not the Spanish Flu as it has been mistakenly called, as that’s NOT where it originated from) we examine, once again, how pandemics can bring out a countries racism, and how Black people endured, overcame, and preserved  her in America. Yet, 100 years later are we repeating the same mistakes? What lessons can we learn from The Pandemic of 1918? Before Joe Biden picks his VP Ben Randle is back to help us speculate, and fantasy football. Oh the possibilities! And does it NEED to be a Black woman specifically? Should it? And just why do I hate Steve Urkle? All this and more on Minority Korner. Plus another police shooting of an unarmed Black person: Breonna Taylor. This needs to stop.

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Email: minoritykorner@gmail.com

IG: @minoritykorner 

James Arthur M: TW: @JamesArthur_M, IG: @JamesArthurM

Nnekay FitzClrke: TW: @nnekay, IG: @nnekay

Ben Randle: TW: @BRandleTheatre IG:@BenRandleTheatre or benrandle.com

Dance with James every Saturday at 2pm PST on Zoom! This Month: 'Dirrty Slave 4 U' Britney vs. XTina: 

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