In responding to a handful of responses from listeners we address the usage of the term "Donna Trump" to refer to soon to be former President Donald Trump- but what does the data tell us about the handful of complaints? Did we already explain this? Is a joke funny if you to explain it? Can someone name their child a name outside of their own culture and it NOT be appropriation? Can naming white children really complicated names help create equity? Do we understand what equity actually is? How does racism effect the economy? By how many trillions are we talking? What is the historic relationship between racism and the economy? Does tipping, like most things, have its roots in racism? Why have certain jobs, that historically been done by BIPOC folks, consistently have some of the lowest wages? Are there actions we can take to turn the beat around on the disparaging effects that racism has on BIPOC communities, particularly black people that will pump trillions of dollars into our economy? Does Janet do ASMR? Believe it or not, we answer ALL of this and more through looking at the data!
Race and Economics
Georgia Runoff:
Twitter: @minoritykorner
IG: @minoritykorner
James Arthur M: TW: @JamesArthur_M, IG: @JamesArthurM
Sam Jackson: IG: @little_miss_sj