We unpack The Insurrection further, as more horrifying details come out and what this means for us moving forward, how do we deal with radicalized white christian evangelical nationalist terrorists? And was that part of BeBest Melania? Well time to BeGone!  We also bring out the shame stick (or accountability stick) for 'Gays Over COVID', and straight folks at swinger conventions. Woof. Ya'll, don't you know there is a PANDEMIC happening? And while we have dodged the bullet of authoritarianism (this time) like the killer in a horror movie, it’ll try to come back so James (he/him) highlights a few points from Timothy D. Snyder’s  On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century a must have book as we march forward and get to work. Plus Ben Randle (he/him) gives us his rejuvenation station tip of the week. And at the end highlights from the inauguration and Biden/Harris’ first day at the office! Can you feel a brand new day?! 

GUEST CO HOST- BEN RANDLE (he/him): Ben Randle, Theatre director based in New York. His origin story is: Born in a theatre, raised in a club. He’s someone you want on your trivia team if the questions are politics, theatre history or Madonna. Follow him on Insta @BenRandleTheatre or www.benrandle.com



Gay Bisexual Men Are Having More Sex During the Pandemic: https://www.queerty.com/gay-bi-men-sex-ever-despite-fact-middle-pandemic-20201129

Swingers Convention: https://www.nola.com/news/article_59c7a560-33db-11eb-8639-dffaf4948c1c.html

 Anti-LGBTQ Party Politician  Quits After Attending 'COVID Lockdown Orgy' https://www.vice.com/en/article/k7azdn/hungarian-mep-jozsef-szajer-after-attending-covid-lockdown-orgy

How Do you combat religious fanatics? White Christian Nationalism? https://religionnews.com/2021/01/12/the-faith-of-the-insurrectionists/

Insurrectionist Seeking Pardons: https://www.theroot.com/capitol-terrorists-seek-trump-pardons-some-already-fre-1846077442

QAnon is Destroying the GOP from Within: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/01/conspiracy-theories-will-doom-republican-party/617707/

Timothy D. Snyder’s  On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century: https://www.timothysnyder.org/books/on-tyranny-tr 

Sign the Petition

As mentioned in Episode 243, Disneyland’s park still features racists caricatures of tribal folks on their ride Jungle Cruise. Click here to sign the petition to help get this changed.

Minority Korner on YouTube:  https://bit.ly/2JsXEuu


Twitter: @minoritykorner
Email: minoritykorner@gmail.com

IG: @minoritykorner

James Arthur M: TW: @JamesArthur_M, IG: @JamesArthurM