Time to GET NASTAY, because it's our 69 episode... mmmm.... In this episode you will discover the origins of how a certain MK hosts star was born in a little dance group called '9 on Time' back in the 90's, not be confused with Beyonce's 'Girl Time' though it's easy to do so. We take a trip down memory lane and talk about everything from the 69 Boys, to the Quad City D.J.'s, to Sisqo, and Nnekay has a theory about how Party Lines, may have been the birth to social media. James goes across the pond in his korner to investigate is the grass really greener on the other side in terms of POC (or as they call it B.A.M.E. Black, Asian, Minority, Ethnic) visibility in U.K. media? Should James move to the U.K. to become a big hit actor? What's with all those period dramas? Where is the non-white representation? Does it accurately reflect the truth about the U.K., and it's history? It's Fashion week, and Nnekay the fashionista is going to tell us who's in, and who's out, when it comes to designers using the runway to challenge the zeitgeist, and get political! Nnekay chooses a side between Tyra and Namoi Campbell. We also discuss some interesting topics from the Minority Korner Kids Playground Facebook group about how to combat racism, and femphobia on dating apps, and reverse sexism- is it a thing? Also Mariah Carey doesn't understand how your desk job works- so don't try explaining it to her. All this in more on our 69th episode: GET NASTY!
David Oyelowo: Why No Black Actors Are in Period Dramas
British Addiction to Period Drama Means Black Asian Actors are Heading to the U.S.