With the recent violent attacks towards the AAPI Community most notably the tragedy in Atlanta where 8 were killed fueled by racism, and sexism, there seems to be a disconnect for some that this was in fact a hate crime- and that’s because folks don’t know their history. So in preparation for the next two weeks of guests and conversations we thought it'd be good to go back into the archives to resurface two past Korners from over 200 episodes ago! First up James continues he discussion on immigration this time focusing on the history of overseas from Asia, exploring the Chinese Exclusion act of 1882, and how it spawned more racists laws to uphold white supremacy, and where the myth of the Model Minority comes from. Then in honor of Women’s History it’s Nnekay’s Korner on Cheng I Sao, the bad ass Chinese Pirate who in the 1800s lead a fleet larger than the Chinese Navy and was one of the most successful pirates ever to exist.


How to Help Asian American Community: Donations, Resources, Education, and More:

Minority Korner on YouTube:  https://bit.ly/2JsXEuu


Twitter: @minoritykorner
Email: minoritykorner@gmail.com

IG: @minoritykorner

James Arthur M (he/him): TW: @JamesArthur_M, IG: @JamesArthurM

 Nnekay FitzClarke (she/her):TW: @mizzfitzie, IG: @nnekay