Hello. Our podcast this week is a little different. After the devastating news that Scott Hutchison of the band Frightened Rabbit had taken his own life, I put out an open invite for those effected by this massive huge loss to send in their recordings of memories, stories, thoughts, feelings all related to Scott and his passing. A massive thank you to everyone who contributed, it was very touching to hear your words. I hope this podcast can provide some comfort to those that were deeply effected by Scott's death. You are not alone.  Contributors:  Molly McLachlan: Twitter - @mollynotm0lly // Facebook: facebook.com/mollymidden Jo Gilbert: Twitter - @mucklewriting // Facebook: facebook.com/mucklewriting 

Mike Powell: Twitter - @closetjudas 

Calum Murray: Twitter - @calummurray  If you are affected by any of the issues raised or feel you need support or talk to someone, below are some brilliant resources: Samaritans - 116 123 (UK) CALM - 0800 58 58 58  PENUMBRA -

Aberdeen (North area) 01224 642 854 Edinburgh (East area) 0131 221 9607 Glasgow (West area) 0141 229 2580   The Respite Room