the problem with kids today / rock show / born to rock haven conn

Good Enough for Me / CJ Ramone / Ramone Family album Comp

The Chisel / Cuts Like a Knife / What a Fuckin Nightmare

Yiayia / now I wanna Smiff some Glue / Tunnels 7 inch

batman and the mighty antiheroes / I lost my brain and I feel good / heroe in ep
los wavy Gravies / I aint got no money, i aint got no job / no brain..spain family spree recordings

drunk moms / slippin up / beer baby...

thee dirt byrds / blah blah blah / hand of cain

the wildebeest / motorhead / rebel rousers ( best of rebels vol one) 

crabs / everythings shit / hand of cain / There's Something Wrong With That Boy' (+ Issue 8- RPB! Fanzine) empire of shite

nerve button / queen of tarts / volumes 2

the shitfits / tied up / collateral damage 

the born liars / fannin street / ragged Island  

the fall outs / never be the same / the fall outs 92

serial chiller / interest 

ciaparat 'd le grange / dimenticicati nella quantita / oh no 

the pissed ones / rotten love (briefs cover) / all pissed up

scott h biram / rather be high / the one and only scott h biram

the sleazoids / cult of the old / The Cult of the Sleazoids sheffeild
headach city / knee jerk reaction / 7 inch

the black and whites / fucked up heart / the black and whites 

have a nice day