Héracles doit prendre à la reine des amazones sa ceinture d’or, cei,tire qui lui a été offerte par Arès, son père.
- Education
- Mythes, légendes et histoire
- Héracles, le neuvième travail, la ceinture d’or de la reine des amazones...
Publié le par Marcjer
Podcasts sur les mêmes thèmes
Cours de Français IV - La lecture
Lisez et écoutez !!!
Ce blogue a été crée à l'intention de rendre la culture francophone plus proche et accessible à mes étudiants, à travers la lecture et la musique.
Mais tout le monde y est le bienvenu, et j'accepterai bien tous les commentaires qui servent à améliorer cet espace.
Merci d'avance à tous.
Et mes plus sincères félicitations aux créateurs de ce site.
C'est fantastique!!!
Présentation de Votre Prof, Juan
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2009_2010-Les_sens_des_signes: 2009_2010-Les_sens_des_signes
This is a feed of pages for 2009_2010-Les_sens_des_signes
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Questions for kindergarten
Questions for kindergarten is a podcast for children in kindergarten. The short content is made for young children and is offered by certified teachers.
Questions for kindergarten is a podcast for children in kindergarten. The short content is made for young children and is offered by certified teachers.
The principle is simple: one question and its answer on each program. The questions are always based upon the programs and are adapted to the children’s level. The questions are always in relation to each field of what a kindergarten learns at school: speaking skills, vocabulary, phonology, mathematics, discovering the world…
Whether it is in the car on your way to school, on a holiday trip, while eating or before going to bed, this podcast “Questions for kindergarten” is the young children and family’s best friend to learn new things or revise what you have already learnt. And it’s always fun!
We hope you will enjoy sharing these warm moments with your families.
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Teachershare interview
Interview with teachers in various countries
This is a series of interviews I have recorded with passionate teachers in a lot of countries. These teachers are all passionate about their jobs and share with us how they work and their tips to motivate students
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101 questions sur l'énergie et la spiritualité
Question réponse sur l'énergétique et la spiritualité
Vous pouvez poser vos questions sur https://goo.gl/forms/2CeoEeGEXnDmtluH3
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Podcast by Bellastock
Podcast by Bellastock
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