Deniere partie, Patrocle prend les armes pour combattre les troyens, Hector le tue avant d'être tuer à son tour par Achille.
- Education
- Mythes, légendes et histoire
- L'Iliade, chants 15 à 24 - fin
Publié le par Marcjer
Podcasts sur les mêmes thèmes
The P&L Show 🎙
Let's speak about life 🤗 In this talk show, we speak about the simple things of life as well as how you can improve your everyday life 💪
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Welcome to the Befentee-Fashion Tops for Women & Men podcast channel, hosted by Heather Fish, the director of Befentee-Fashion Tops for Women & Men. This podcast channel is dedicated to providing listeners with expert advice on the latest trends in the fashion industry and insider tips on how to look and feel your best.
As a director of a fashion company, Heather has a keen eye for style and a deep understanding of the fashion industry. More info :
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Podcast by Bellastock
Podcast by Bellastock
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Cours de Français IV - La lecture
Lisez et écoutez !!!
Ce blogue a été crée à l'intention de rendre la culture francophone plus proche et accessible à mes étudiants, à travers la lecture et la musique.
Mais tout le monde y est le bienvenu, et j'accepterai bien tous les commentaires qui servent à améliorer cet espace.
Merci d'avance à tous.
Et mes plus sincères félicitations aux créateurs de ce site.
C'est fantastique!!!
Présentation de Votre Prof, Juan
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Italian Wine Podcast
Cin Cin with Italian Wine Podcast
The Italian Wine Podcast is a storytelling project dedicated to the fascinating world of Italian wine. New episodes are published every day – so stay tuned! With more grape varieties and more diverse grape growing regions than any other country in the world, the story of Italian wine is a rich and captivating one. While the popularity of Italian wine continues to grow in every corner of the globe, inspired by a deep affection for the Italian way of life, the Italian Wine Podcast seeks to entertain, educate and inform. Embracing Italian food, travel, lifestyle and culture, IWP has something for every taste!
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Teachershare interview
Interview with teachers in various countries
This is a series of interviews I have recorded with passionate teachers in a lot of countries. These teachers are all passionate about their jobs and share with us how they work and their tips to motivate students
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