We celebrate the *almost* 50 episode mark with a brief "state of the podcast" address, and then jump right into responding to some feedback we got from our episode with drag diva Vivian Sapphire, Christy helps us navigate the politicaly correcet world of discussing human sexuality in the 21st century, and Christy still doesn't have a job. 

As mentioned during the break, check out our friends over at the Eureka Podcast (@EurekaPodcast on twitter)

Thanks to Christopher from Sounds Like An Earful  (www.SoundsLikeAnEarful.com @Sounds_Earfuls) for the new show art!  

Contact us: call/text 206-588-5463 or www.NerdOutLoudPod.com

Find us: @NerdOutLoudPod on twitter, Facebook.com/NerdOutLoudPod on facebook, and subscribe (rate and review us please!) on iTunes