We open up the NOL vaults for our 100th episode as we travel through NOL history and listen to some of the best (and worst) moments of our first 99 episodes. 

Clips Played (in order of appearance on the show)

#1: Nerdboners, The Douche Jar, and Fan Questions - http://www.tenseventen.com/nol/nol1

#39: A Sleeping Bag Built for Two - http://www.tenseventen.com/nol/nol-39-a-sleeping-bag-for-two

#2: Not Enough Spells, Too Many Tribbles - http://www.tenseventen.com/nol/nol2 

#13: Murder and Jobs part 1 - http://www.tenseventen.com/nol/nerd-out-loud-nerd-out-loud-13-murder-and-jobs

#93: Is that a Face Tattoo or a Birthmark? - http://www.tenseventen.com/nol/nerd-out-loud-93-is-that-a-face-tattoo-or-a-birthmark

#28: Who Wants a Dildo without a Windscreen - http://www.tenseventen.com/nol/nerd-out-loud-nol-28-who-wants-a-dildo

#59: Philanthropy Feels Like Sex - http://www.tenseventen.com/nol/nol-59-philanthropy-feels-like-sex

#47: Free To Sparkle - http://www.tenseventen.com/nol/we-talk-with-drag-diva-vivian-sapphire-as-she

#48: Luna City Or Bust! - http://www.tenseventen.com/nol/this-week-we-are-joined-by-christopher-carson-of

#12: There Is A Time For All cheese Under Heaven - http://www.tenseventen.com/nol/nerd-out-loud-nerd-out-loud-12-there-is-a-time

#42: The Steve Jobs of Crappy Ideas - http://www.tenseventen.com/nol/nol-42-the-steve-jobs-of-crappy-ideas 


Other episodes we discussed: 

Jen’s recommendations:#46: The Poopcast #2 - http://www.tenseventen.com/nol/we-are-once-again-joined-by-friends-of-the-show

#35: Superfan Jenn and Christy Kick Jeremy Off The Show - http://www.tenseventen.com/nol/nol-35-superfan-jenn-and-christy-kick-jeremy-off-the-show

#26: Special Guest Matt Baca - http://www.tenseventen.com/nol/nerd-out-loud-nol-26-special-guest-matt-baca


Chris’s recommendations:#65: We’ve Got The Runs - http://www.tenseventen.com/nol/nol-65-weve-got-the-runs

#98: I Don’t Even Like To Drive 100 Miles - http://www.tenseventen.com/nol/episode-98-i-dont-even-like-to-drive-100-miles