Christy shares a heartbreaking story from her recent trip to Safeco Field, we find out at least one of our listeners is armed, and discuss the most recent goings on with the changing national conversation regarding gun control. We visit Seattle Pride Festival and Jeremy is feeling conflicted about it. Jeremy has business idea to keep the sex out of worship music, Christy fuels up the predator drone for a wedding themed drone strike, we face off in what's sure to be another taco soup level am I a jerk, and Jeremy has some timely space news regarding the Juno mission which will be entering orbit around Jupiter on July 4th. As discussed in the show: Fan runs on the field during Mariners game Senate rejects series of gun measures Democrats end House sit-in over gun control SCOTUS upholds wide reach of US gun ban for domestic violence NASA's Juno spacecraft closing in on Jupiter Planetary radio discusses Junocam "the people's camera" Follow Jeremy's all space news twitter account @RadSpaceNews
Publié le par Ten Seven Ten
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