The Crew play the new party game from Jordan McLaughlin and Rookie Mage Games Don't Get Stabbed!,Kelley reads the news and we share your feedback.

Brought to you ad free by the Legion of Demons at Join the Legion to get more stuff at! Our Beelzebub tier producers are:

  • Mandi Arthur
  • Jim Bolding
  • Brandon Boone
  • Cassie & Jeremy Burmeister
  • Bill Fahrner
  • Blake Heath 
  • Amanda James
  • Alise Kombrinck
  • Jeff Lancaster
  • Tree & Alex McNulty
  • Ernest Perez
  • Mark Watts 
  • Additional financial contributions by Amy & Freddy Morris


“Monster Movies (with My Friends)” was written and performed by Kelley Kombrinck. It was recorded and mixed by Freddy Morris.

Night of the Living Podcast’s chief contributors are: 

  • Mikey B 
  • Andy Hung
  • Kelley Kombrinck 
  • Amy Morris
  • Freddy Morris


The podcast is produced and engineered by Amy & Freddy Morris. 


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