Vic Johnson returns! The longtime lead guitarist for Sammy Hagar, Vic invites you into Hagar’s Northern California studio, where he fires up his glorious “tri-stereo” wet/dry/wet rig and demonstrates some tones, plays some riffs, takes a few solos, and relives adventures with everyone from Total Eclipse — his badass ’90s metal band — to the the Bus Boys, Eddie Murphy, Michael Anthony, Dr. Dre, Suge Knight and, of course the Red Rocker, Sammy Hagar. (Note: Vic also appeared on Ep. 8 of this show, recorded back in September of 2015. All previous episodes are still posted, so go deep!)
Presented by GUITAR PLAYER MAGAZINE and GUITARPLAYER.COM. Hosted by Jude Gold.
Publié le par Jude Gold
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