Episode 95 features a visit with "guitar coach to the stars" JEAN MARC BELKADI. Showing up with his favorite Telecaster, Jean Marc plugs in with host JUDE GOLD and demonstrates his encyclopedic knowledge of riffs, licks, and guitar styles, a prowess that spans funk, fusion, jazz, and more. Jean Marc also tells you about an amazing friend he made back when he was studying guitar at GIT in Hollywood, and goes on to explain how he evolved a career teaching A-list celebrities, musicians, and power players in the Hollywood area. ("It's the accent," he jokes. "They like the accent.") BONUS: We also hear tracks from Belkadi's two albums, TOULOUSE LOS ANGELES and STOPOVER. (Tip: If you want a guitar lesson with Jean Marc, visit his website, jeanmarcbelkadi.com.) This episode is presented by Guitar Player Magazine, and guitarplayer.com
Publié le par Jude Gold
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