Another film in the Star Wars saga is upon us. Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi is OUT, and WE at the Order 66 Podcast spend three hours digging into it with reviews and, more importantly, what this means for your own Star Wars games. But to ensure we had the appropriate intellect to tackle this huge topic, we invited a few guests along for the ride. We are joined by the hosts of The Movie Defenders Podcast, Scott and Donald, as well as DM Eric of Geek Pantheon and Eberron Renewed, and GM Hooly of The Dice Pool Podcast. We geek out gloriously with some deep analysis of the film, impressions of the future, and more spoilers than you can shake a stick at. Seriously, if you have not seen The Last Jedi, DO NOT LISTEN to this episode!
Publié le par (GM Dave and GM Chris)
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