The Order 66 Podcast returns with a massive episode that sees a unique return to the vehicle and starship combat mechanics of Star Wars - done in a completely different system. For this special episode, the hosts welcome special guest GM Hooly, as we spend three hours focusing on the upscaled narrative dice mechanics of vehicle combat in the successor system to Star Wars: the Genesys Roleplaying game. By listener request, we dive into just what the differences between the two systems are, and what about the Genesys vehicle ruleset make starship combat faster, more engaging, simpler, and more fun at the table. We go step by step to walk you through the conversion process to include these amazing mechanics into your Star Wars games, and even put it all into practice with an hour-long live starship encounter on the air, using the Genesys vehicle rules. This episode was months in the making, with a lot of research, planning, and much playtesting. We hope you all enjoy it as much as we did!
Publié le par (GM Dave and GM Chris)
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