Perhaps it was the pandemic, however, releases this year by local artists have been spectacular including new titles from Hector Anchondo, Matt Cox, Kris Lager, Myles Jasnowski, Mitch Gettman, Rex Granite Band (feat: Sarah Benck Tardy) and now this new platter from multi-Omaha Entertainment Award winner Matt Whipkey.

[And while we're discussing it, put me down for blues album of the year by Birmingham, England's Joanne Shaw Taylor].

Join us as Whipkey discusses his latest album, Hard.'

He will be performing album in its entirety, as well as, career retrospective going all the way back to his original band, The Movies. This performance features a 7th piece band, "It's not big, it's large."

Release date and concert: November 12th @ The Jewel (10th and Capital, inside the Marriott Hotel)
Shows at 6:30 p.m and 8:30 p.m.

19. Matt Whipkey / Hard
20. Matt Whipkey / May Day
21. Matt Whipkey / Overboard
22. Matt Whipkey / Pyros