Barbara Romanowicz

Physique de l'intérieur de la terre

Année 2018-2019

Les séismes profonds

Bibliographie Cours no 2- Processus physiques proposés et caractéristiques de la sismicité intermédiaire et profonde

H. W. Green and P.C. Burnley (1989) A new self-organizing mechanism for deep earthquakes, Nature, 341, 733-737.

Frohlich, C. (2006) Deep earthquakes, chap 6., Cambridge U. Press, Cambridge ISBN 978-0-521- 82869-7

Houston, H. (2015) Deep earthquakes, Treatise on Geophysics, G. Schubert, Ed., vol 4, chapter 13, Elsevier pubs.

Kanamori, H. , D. L. Anderson and T. H. Heaton (1998) Frictional melting during the rupture of the 1994 Bolivian Earthquake, Science, 279, 839-842

Kawakatsu, H. (1996) Observability of the isotropic component of a moment tensor, Geophys. J. IInt., 126, 525-544.

Kawkakatsu, H. and S. Yoshioka (2011) Metastable olivine wedge and eep dry cold slab beneath southwest Japan, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 303, 1-10.

Scholz, C. (2002) The mechanics of earthquakes and Faulting, Cambridge U. Press, pp 471.