Planète 80 - Emission du 30 01 2024émissions/2023-2024/setlist-du-30-01-2024

  1. Francoise Hardy - VIP (1986)
  2. Jean Schulteis - Va te faire voir (1987)
  3. Ottawan - T'es OK (1980)
  4. Samantha Fox - Nothing gonna stop me now (1987)
  5. Level 42 - Running in the family (1987)
  6. Phil Collins - Suusudio (1985)
  7. Phil Collins - Don't loose my number (1985)
  8. Dead or alive - You spin me round (1984)
  9. Geff-Rey - Mix Geff-Rey (2024)
  10. Indochine - Canary bay (1985)
  11. Indochine - Tes yeux noirs (1986)
  12. Corinne Hermès - Dessine-moi (1989)
  13. OMD - Tesla girls (1984)
  14. Jermaine Stewart - We don't have to take our clothes off (1986)
  15. Toto Coelo - Milk from the coconut (1983)
  16. Bee Gees - Tragedy (1979)
  17. Steps - Tragedy (1998)
  18. Inner City - Good life (1988)
  19. Romano Bais - Dial my number (1986)
  20. Delegation - Darlin I think about you (1980)
  21. William Pitt - City lights (1986)

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