PC20-135-2023-06-02 Podcasting 2.0 Episode 135: "Maximizing the Pull"

Adam & Dave discuss the week's developments on podcastindex.org - With Dudes named Ben Talk and more LIT Music Wallet Switching!


We are LIT, soon on fountain!

PodFriend 2.0 apparently also LIT Ready!

Database Upgrade!

Sysadmins need Love

Fountain transcripts srt and speaker names

Fountain siri volume controls stop working

Jemele Hill to Leave Spotify and Shut Down Her Podcast Network - Bloomberg

Hosting companies are signing their own death warrant

We are the hitmakers! -Wavlake Top40

Music By Corey Keller and Too Bit To Fail

Late Night Special - The Sunshine Never Comes - 34 seconds

Alby node down

Blubrry 2.0 badge

Folks(!) realizing YouTube is a bad actor LOL

Start9 helipad and ipfs

Castopod on startOS

IPFS compatibility in apps

IPFS sharing for sats?

Boys Home - Bryce - 0.5 seconds

remoteItem in V4V in more apps when?

MKUltra chat

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Last Modified 06/02/2023 14:56:48 by Freedom Controller