Podcasting 2.0 June 30th 2023 Episode 139: "Rustic Code Cave"

Adam & Dave discuss the week's developments on podcastindex.org - and we discuss the future of video and value4value with two new song to boost!



When you debase the money, everything gets hurt

resourceful shows - interactive!

V4V fiat discussion

v4v users down revs up

ads down revs down

downloads down 50% from 2019

The magic is gone, can't get rich anymore

Daniel Eck bailing out

v4v is not based on volume but on interaction -

Not the talk to me and don't talk back

Splits help you build your v4v show

Brad Pitt’s production company Plan B is investing in audio as others pull out - The Verge


Ali Mitchell - Wen this is over | Podcastindex.org - 24 sec

Hey Citizen - Thank you for the value

MKUltra chat

Transcript Search

What is Value4Value? - Read all about it at Value4Value.info

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Last Modified 06/30/2023 14:50:13 by Freedom Controller