Podcasting 2.0 February 16th 2024 Episode 167: "Deck Darlings

Adam & Dave catch up on the last two weeks and unveil cool new stuff to play with


We are LIT

RSS keeps on winning!

The 'kids' are doing blogs again, reinventing the wheel

“Wherever you get your podcasts” is a radical statement - Anil Dash

Remove the types of "newsletter" and "blog" from the medium tag. · Podcastindex-org/podcast-namespace · Discussion #608 · GitHub

Dutch government broadcaster use PCI to scan Dutch podcasts


De podcasts komen namelijk uit de database van de Podcastindex (PI). Deze organisatie zet zich in voor een transparanter podcast-ecosysteem en archiveert wereldwijd zoveel mogelijk nieuwe podcasts die uitkomen: op dit moment zo’n 4,3 miljoen podcasts. PI verzamelt specifiek de RSS-feeds: het format waarin podcasts online worden opgeslagen. In de database van PI vind je de naam, beschrijving en adres van de RSS-feed terug.

The podcasts actually come from the Podcastindex (PI) database. This organization is committed to a more transparent podcast ecosystem and archives as many new podcasts worldwide as possible: currently about 4.3 million podcasts. PI specifically gathers the RSS feeds: the format in which podcasts are stored online. In the PI database, you'll find the name, description, and address of the RSS feed.

The iOS 17 changes in Apple Podcasts

RSS Music Charts | RSS Blue

V4V License for remote items and such


V4V testimonials - @chadf

Ford SYNC crashes on emojis


MKUltra chat

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Last Modified 02/16/2024 14:34:23 by Freedom Controller