Podcasting 2.0 March 1st 2024 Episode 169: "Wifi & Web Apps"
Adam & Dave are joined by Oscar Merry from the Fountain app. We talk radio, music, nostr and math!
Linode 'warm migration this morning
RIP Bob Heil
Rumble has rss feeds! Tony Caravan test on PG
Oscar Merry - Fountain.FM
Fountain Radio
How does it work
In app eventually?
Business? Funding?
Mea Culpa - Boostagrams - win / Earning stats BIG WIN
References - change dynamically based on medium type?
nostr stuff? Chat?
TLV records people!
VTS guid info
Sam Sethi activity stream in TLV?
Medium = Blog
Spotify now MG contracts only
JRE to megaphone
Podcasting2.org no real info for listeners
PodcastGuru IPFS Native
What is Value4Value? - Read all about it at Value4Value.info
Last Modified 03/01/2024 14:43:54 by Freedom Controller