Sponsored by Split Screen, from CBC. From CBC, Split Screen features character-driven, narrative series, taking listeners inside the unsettling and captivating world of entertainment and pop culture. Now accepting pitches.
- Acast has opened its London studios, in the heart of London’s Old Street. The space includes an Amazon Music branded studio, free to emerging and brand-new creators; and has four multimedia studios. Acast podcasters can use the studios for free from early next year.
- As Chartable prepares to close, Podgagement has launched a global charts and ranking service. The tool monitors nearly 34,000 charts across the world.
- Podcasts “are here to stay”, according to a report by BVDW on the German Podcast Landscape. “In addition to data on podcast usage, there is also an overview of standards, technologies, and guidelines for podcast advertising, as well as tips for media planning and campaign booking.” Du musst Deutsch sprechen, um es zu lesen, natürlich.
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- 🎧 Grow Your Podcast On Player FM — Player.FM’s new self-serve ad portal can help you grow your show, boost engagement, and drive downloads with flexible pricing. Book your next campaign now!
- LUIS GUERRA - Music Composer and Nice Human — Need a theme song or original music for your show? Need help with the musical direction? Have questions about licensing? Need help editing, mixing/mastering? Get in touch! luisguerramusic@gmail.com
- FREE WORKSHOP - Business & Legal Fundamentals — Learn podcasting business and legal essentials. Do things like the pros, without lawyers and big headaches. Presented by Gordon Firemark, The Podcast Lawyer™ Register now! Don't miss out!
Gold supporters: Buzzsprout, Mowpod, Mamamia, The $100 MBA, Sounds Profitable, The Podglomerate, Cloud10, Cohost, RedCircle, Simplecast, audioBoom, Podscribe, Steve Lack: Audio, SALT, Resound, Audiohook, Riverside.fm, Jar Audio, Podchaser, Awesound, Disctopia, Libsyn, We Edit Podcasts, Acast, Evergreen Podcasts, Podpage websites, Knucklehead Media Group
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Image: Acast