Rocketeers, it's been a very strange couple of weeks. The gang all come together to talk about the recent events in Dallas, Baton Rouge, and Falcon Heights. This week, Guy, Oliver, Margaret, and Wynter escape reality for just a bit and talk about all things fantasy. Wynter and Guy just can't agree on Summer Jams, Oliver discusses his first Choose Your Own Adventure book, and Margaret tries to draw the line b sci-fi and fantasy.

You guys, Margaret's book, Neon Green, is out NOW! Pick it up HERE.

Time is running out for the search for the Song of the Summer. Look for the official thread on the Facebook page and send in your submission so Guy and Wynter can berate your choices on the show.

With Guy Branum, Margaret Wappler, Wynter Mitchell, and Oliver Wang

Produced by Christian Dueñas and Colin Anderson for