Hello and happy Thursday! Tom is hoping all is well in 2021 thus far for all! Being present, thankful, mindful, all seem to be in the same neighborhood as being in the moment. Tom has shared experiences he has had when being present and how good it feels to truly experience and understand those moments of being present and all its benefits. But such is life; there is a next level. Tom experienced what it felt like at the end of a day when he was not present. Tom's clarity in that moment was to focus on not feeling like that; thus, being present/in the moment as much as possible. Lastly, Tom shares the update and dream team that is now working on his film for the LEAF (Llano Earth Art Festival) that is going virtual and global this year (March 27-28) LIVE this year on social media. Tom is overflowing with joy and gratitude. Enjoy and as always thank you for listening!
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*Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this, or any other exercise program, may result in injury. Any user of the exercise program assumes the risk of injury resulting from performing the exercise. You should always speak to your doctor before you change, start or stop any part of your healthcare plan, including physical activity or exercise.*