TWELFTH NIGHT / Live and Let Live (GB - 1983)
PINK FLOYD / More (GB - 1969)
TRESPASS / In Haze of Time (IL - 2001)
SYMPOSIUM / Kundabuffer (IL - 2006)
OSIRIS / Myths & Legends (BRN - 1984)
FONYA / In Flux (USA - 1995)
NINE SKIES / The Lightmaker (F - 2023)
FISH ON FRIDAY / 8 mm (B - 2023)
KARMAMOI / Strings from the Edge of Sound (I - 2023)
THE CHRONICLES OF FATHER ROBIN – The Songs and Tales of Airoea Book 1 (N - 2023)
LUST and PASSION / Lost in Passion (CAN - 2023)
THE CREST / Letters from Fire (N - 2002)
Salam, Shalom, Salut !