Progkast - 34

1)Milo Keysington - I.N.stinction Level Event (US) - .25

2)MOMA - Archibald Whim: The Prelude (Sweden) - 4.30

3)Glorious Wolf - Old Diamonds Shine Brighter (Netherlands) - 13.31

4)Mr. Bouzouki - The Pilgrims Way Project: Parts 1-3 (UK) - 21.24
1)The Pilgrims 21.24
2)The Vikings! 24.37 - Marked by timpani and "strings"
3)A light in the Darkness 26.55 - Music after the chant

5)Thirteen of Everything - Late For Dinner: Parts 1-7 (US) - 30.35
I)Xenophile 30.35
II)Soul on a Stick 34.29
III)Doom 37.24
IV)Gloom 39.38
V)Real State 41.32
VI)Three-Hundred Years Asleep 46.41
VVI)Xenophobe 51.19

6)Jahzzar - The Last Ones (Spain) - 56.43

Intro song is Bellaza Anatomia (Intro) by Sumeritae