I had an awesome show on Saturday in Florida and it got my internal geek all excited that GenCon and DragonCon are fast approaching. There's a lot more to do than I really have the ability to accomplish too. I have shows to update, new songs to record, iMixes to promote, articles to write, bands to help out, and podcasts to pre-record...

The toughest thing is just focusing on it. Maybe this show filled with a bunch of instrumental Celtic music will do the trick for you and me both.


This Month's Music Promotion iMixes

Free Kilt Stickers

Celtic CD Summer Sale Blowout!Still good until July 31st.

Dark Angel Season 2 Update. One more disc to go.

Special feature on Celtic Women. Update about the ICMP.

Mailed out Kilted For Her Pleasure CDs. Plus, "Corseted For His Pleasure" T-Shirts are up on the website and available for ordering. Official release date is August 16th.

New project in the work with Rie Sheridan--Capt Black Jack Murphy, Air Pirate Extraordinaire

Irish Songs for New Orleans delayed

Question of the Day: What are the best Celtic CDs you've heard this year?

Upcoming Shows:

  • Jul 24: Round Rock, TX - Grace Concert
  • Jul 30: New Orleans, LA - Fair Grinds Coffeehouse
  • Aug 6: Indianapolis, Indiana - GenCon Indianapolis
  • Sep 3: Atlanta, GA - DragonCon

Also confirmed, Blackthorn Ren Faire, FenCon, Louisiana Ren Faire, and Sherwood Fantasy Faire.


"River's Jig" by Marc Gunn &The Dubliners' Tabby Catsfrom Live at the Cactus Cafe

"Boys of Blue Hill/Harvest Home" by Queen's Gambitfrom Fianchetto

"3 Piece Trad Set" by Green Teafrom Synergy - EP

"Queen of the Lost Scots" by The Roguesfrom Off Kilter

"Shame on You" by Gypsy Guerrilla Bandfrom Ernie's Pot of Gold

"Mairi's Wedding" by Anne Roosfrom Haste to the Wedding


Marc Gunn in the News:

Flower of Scotland in an Oban Pub

Ye Jacobites By Name in that same Pub

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