Music marketing is one of my specialties. But usually I don't talk about it much except in jest with my podcasts. Today, I go into a little more depth talking about promoting music or businesses using keywords. While this may seem to appeal only to businesses, I do my best to keep it relevant to the Celtic music fan who wants to see their favorite artist achieve success.
Blackthorn Village Renaissance Festival
Jousters of Four Winds Renaissance Festival
Kilted For Her Pleasure promotion successes
This Week's Music Promotion iMixes
Make me a favorite on Google
Celtic music business and promotion with Keywords
Ceann - Yankee Drinking Songs
Firefly drinking songs at DragonCon
New Firefly Drinking Song
The Bards Crier Music Marketing Ezine
Upcoming Shows:
- Sep 3: Atlanta, GA - DragonCon
- Sep 18: Addison, TX - FenCon
- Oct 9: Lafayette, LA - First Lutheran with the Folks of Acadiana
- Nov 6-Dec 12: Hammond , LA - Louisiana Renaissance Festival
"The Lusty Young Sith" by Marc Gunnfrom What Color Is Your Dragon?
"My Piece Of Gratitude Re-Mix" by Jacie McConnellfrom Mystical Moments A Sign Of Things To Come
"Last Refrain" by Whiskey of the Damnedfrom Craig Agus Whiskey
"Old Maid in the Garrett" by The Dregsfrom Thank You Sir May I Have Another
"Blar Inbhir Lochaidh" by Mary Jane Lamondfrom Storas
"Silhouette of Longing Love" by Marc Gunnfrom Irish Songs for New Orleans
Marc Gunn in the News:
Caithness Craft Collective played my version of "Wild Mountain Thyme".
Flower of Scotland performed at the Nebraska Outback Concert Series
"Catnipped Kitty was used in this Pedda the Bald Wrinkled Pussycat. Episode 1: Beloved Nippy Plants video.
Big Trouble in Big K mentioned me as one of the best things to see at GenCon.
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