I hosted a live edition of the Pub Songs Podcast at Dragon Con a few weeks back. I lost track of how many years I have closed the con with this live podcast. It’s been a blast. In this episode, I play another Sci Fi Drinking Songs show with a lot of fan input. I also announce some exciting news about the Return of the Pub Songs Podcast.

Special note: There were some microphone issues. I apologize for the sound problems.

Here’s the setlist for this week’s show:

  1. Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster
  2. Kilted For Her Pleasure
  3. Mingulay Cat Song
  4. When the Dairy Farm Caught Fire
  5. Reavers, Malcolm, Reavers
  6. Reavers Lullaby (parody of “Close Your Eyes”)
  7. We’ll Have a Pint
  8. The Prettiest Hobbit
  9. Name On My Soul
  10. I’ll Tell My Cat
  11. Doctor of Gallifrey
  12. Kilkelly, Ireland
  13. Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
  14. Come Take a Trip on My Airship

The Pub Songs Podcast was the third podcast I started back in 2005. The show went through many, many changes over the years, when I stopped finally podcasting it back in 2014,  I felt overwhelmed and confused about its place in the podosphere. I spent many long hours thinking how I could revive the show. and last month, I figured out what to do.

In 2016, I will relaunch the podcast. However, there will be numerous changes.

First, it will document my intergalactic music tour of geekdom.

Second, the show will vary in length between 10-30 minutes and feature drinking songs both traditional Irish and Scottish songs as well as some of my twisted favorites.

Third, the show will be released weekly as a season. I expect to have 10-12 episodes per season. Patrons of my Music will be gain early access to the completed episodes or seasons as they become available.

This will be an exciting adventure. And I hope you will join me. Stay tuned for me to announce venues around the universe. And enjoy this live edition of the Pub Songs Podcast.