This week we chat with Michael of React Training and learn everything we need to know about React Router v6 — what's in store, how to update, and what he's learned about empathy in the process.
React Suspense Course
Get up to speed fast on React Suspense in my crash course at!
- 75: Sunil Pai on The Future of UI Frameworks
- React Training
- react-router
- reach-ui
- history on npm
- Chance Strickland
- Navigation Blocking in history v5 — Michael's screencast illustrating
- reach-router
- render prop pattern
- Tim Dorr
- Component Component on Twitter
- React Hooks
- React Suspense
- Relay
- Build an App with React Suspens — Chantastic's course on Suspense
- 71: Joe Savona on Relay and Data Fetching with Suspense
- preact-router
- NextJS
- React Router Hooks
- Route component prop
- Route render prop
- @ryanflorence on Push vs Pull APIs
- 69: The Suspense is Almost Over — A Pre-ReactConf Concurrent React Rundown with Swyx
- DefinitelyType
- Kristofer Baxter
- Closure Compiler
- Rollup
- @babel/preset-modules by Jason Miller
- tsdx by Jared Palmer
- microbundle by Jason Miller
- Lerna — A tool for managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages
- Brian Vaughn
- React Training Workshops and Instructors
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