Imaginez traverser une forêt mystérieuse, de nuit, et apercevoir entre les arbres des créatures fantastiques. Ou de vivre, comme si vous étiez, des scènes de Harry Potter au détour du chemin. C’est ce que propose la Forbidden Forest Experience, dans le parc de Arley Hall, entre Manchester et Liverpool. La Gazette du Sorcier a eu la chance d’aller découvrir cette attraction unique !
- Emissions
- Les reportages de la Gazette
- Reportage - Visite de Harry Potter : A Forbidden Forest Experience (2021)
Publié le par La Gazette du Sorcier
Podcasts sur les mêmes thèmes
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Western Wednesday
How many western radio programs can you recall if any? Can you recall two, ten, or fifteen of them. How about twenty titles? Well, there were more than thirty different radio westerns that aired over the years. Some have become an example of radio excellence and others just memories. Each week we will be covering some of the most popular westerns and many that have faded into distance memories. Join me as we relive radio westerns that entertain many a young child with adventure on Western Wednesday.
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Ze big BOUM!
L'avenir, c'est du passé !
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