Suite du Troisième épisode avec la suite des chroniques. Toujours présenté par Joe, Jack et... Bob.
- Emissions
- Road To Hellfest
- Road To Hellfest s01 e03 Part 2
Publié le par Jack Chronicles
Podcasts sur les mêmes thèmes
80s Alternative Underground
Classic 80s college alt rock
The Alternative features 70s punk, 80s new wave, 90s Brit Pop, and new alt rock from today. The Alternative airs every Friday from 6:15-11 pm on WATD-FM in the Boston radio market. Produced & hosted by Chris Atwood.
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Scifi & Horror Movies
Horror Movies will take you into the beyond, worlds of the unknown, to the outer limits of man thoughts and dreams. Horror Movies guarantee chills, trills and things that go bump in the night.
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The Fretboard Journal Guitar Podcast
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The Fretboard Journal magazine's weekly podcast, where we interview legendary guitarists, luthiers, and much more.
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Dispatches from the Underground
On Dispatches from the Underground host NYC punk Joey Steel, and guests explore the depths of underground, sub, and counter-culture while also trying to grasp a UG perspective on the mainstream and pop culture we are subjected to endure. Dig deep/Get down.
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Punk Rock Demonstration Radio Show with Jack
Punk Rock Demonstration Radio Show with Jack
Punk Rock Demonstration Radio, one of the longest running radio stations located at broadcasts punk, punk rock, and interviews of bands since 2005! New shows broadcast every Monday 7:00PM - 9:00PM and every Tuesday 7:00AM - 9:00AM Pacific time. This podcast serves as an archive of the previously broadcasted radio shows on Punk Rock Demonstration Radio.
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