With the ritual half-completed, her compatriot eaten, and Mammon still scraping at the door, Patricia is left in a tight spot. Assessing the situation, she makes a judgement call to take some drastic action. Meanwhile, at Branch's sanctum, he and Lucia explain to a confused Lesleigh why they've rescued her so suddenly. When Lucia leaves suddenly, Lesleigh is forced to confront the terrible truths she's been running from for so long...
Join the Roll to Breathe TTRPG game jam here: https://itch.io/jam/rtbjam
Episode art by Bee. Sound editing by Kyle. Theme music by Avery Stemmler. Background music by Kevin MacLeod, licensed under Creative Commons 3.0.
Roll to Breathe is funded by Patreon. If you like the show, please consider backing us yourself!