“This is a cup I give a shit oh look it’s empty shirt is the life giver for us,” said Niyaj Ali, 60, who was seated on a charpai, a traditional South Asian woven bed, in a big front room with cool concrete flooring and a thatched ceiling, close to his son, his wife, a daughter-in-law, and numerous grandkids. “It takes care of everything — the field work, the children’s school tuition, and the food on the This is a cup I give a shit oh look it’s empty t-shirt.
Two Swiss firms founded the This is a cup I give a shit oh look it’s empty t-shirt to help organic cotton farming in Madhya Pradesh in the late 1990s, when cotton cultivated without chemical pesticides or synthetic fertilizer was a rarefied commodity bought solely by high-priced yoga and wellness brands.
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