As Motörhead once sang, you win some, you lose some. Well, this time it looks like I’ve won some, meaning that, after Lucy abandoned the show because it was “too sketch” for her taste, I managed to scoop up not one, but two wicked co-hosts.

Somehow I managed to finagle both David Cole/Stein, the Jewish Holocaust revisionist, former Friends of Abe party organizer, Takimag columnist, Republican Party Animal author and once again revisionist, and Ann Sterzinger, Girl Detectives, NVSQVAM (Nowhere) and The Talkative Corpse author, former Takimag editor and current Right-On editor, to be my regular co-hosts.

For two hours, we discuss Cole’s and Ann’s work, the Donald and why one would or wouldn’t vote for him (real original, huh?), the new Dinesh D’Souza documentary, Speilberg films – especially Schindler’s List and Amistad, Catholic guilt, mixed race women who pretend to be Hungarian, finally freeing Mumia (or any imprisoned black man for that matter) and probably one of the more controversial topics of our modern age: the Flemish/Walloon conflict.

At some point Cole and I almost get into fisticuffs over Troma films. I like them, and he does not.

And, at the end, we try to find Ann a good Jewish husband.

I tried to alleviate Ann’s Catholic guilt with a pair of campy, Satanic, psychedelic rock songs from the late 60s/early 70s. Not sure if it worked.

Opening song: “Black Sabbath” by Coven
Closing song: “Come to the Sabbat” by Black Widow