Cafe Oto has set up a new in-house digital imprint called TakuRoku. Featuring works made in response to the current lockdowns, the label will serve a dual function. “As well as providing an outlet for some incredible new work being created over the past few weeks, TakuRoku aims to provide a way to help sustain both Cafe Oto and the artists involved through these incredibly challenging times,”. This program is one hour long and features only a short selection of the releases currently available via TakuRoku. This is the 2nd part. 

The 1st part is available HERE

artist - song

Ben Bertrand and Otto Lindholm - Cinnabar
Shakeeb Abu Hamdan & Sholto Dobie - Slows O'er
Ikue Mori - more fairies
Phoebe Collings-James - Can You Move Towards Yourself Without Flinching
Neil Charles - 8 
Cara Tolmie - sweating lightly
Jean-Philippe Gross & Jérôme Noetinger - Cadavre 2
Hannah Marshall - Clearing 4
Left Hand Cuts off the Right - Awareness of Failure
Secluded Bronte - The Burst
Iztok Koren - The Euphoria of The End
Rachel Musson & Corey Mwamba - Four
David Toop & Avsluta - The Gleam of Candied Ginger
Derek Baron - e j02
Zach Rowden - We were listening to music
Cath & Phil Tyler - Bruton Town