In this edition we talk about phase one of our Charity Auction with Jan Schroeder. In depressing TV news, V gets a second season, FlashForward gets the ax and Heroes dies an unheroic death.

Possible new shows for the Fall Season

NBC – The Cape, Undercovers, The Event

ABC – No Ordinary Family

FAUX – Terra Nova

CW – (is this really a network?) Betwixt, Nikita

Chris Proulx dropped in to talk about The Granite State ComiCon and some of the special events happening. “Pat, can I get a ruling” is the new catch phrase. Discussion was somber about the death of Frank Frazetta, an artist who will be sorely missed. In the second half of tonight’s cast, we were joined by Ed & Adrienne Ludvigsen, creators of the alternate history internet game site, What Happened to Sarah.

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