Granite State Comicon is coming! Tonight’s guests are organizer Pat “Shadonda” Covey and artist Karen Gosselin.  Pat gave us the inside scoop on the guests (Joe Hill is rumored to make an appearance!) and warned con-goers to arrive early, because the con-exclusive prints are awesome! He also gave us the rundown of the new costume contest format, which allows more time to enjoy the con. Karen will be a guest at GraniteCon this weekend, and is very excited! She discussed her art and her decision to avoid commonly seen subjects like superheroes. Karen has also turned Dome into a Brony. Granite State Comicon will be held at the Raddison Hotel in Manchester, NH this Sunday, June 10 from 10am-4pm. Adult admission is $8, and kids under 10 pay $2. If you come in costume, adults are $4 and kids under 10 are free!

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