Our guests for tonight’s ‘Cast Hunter Liguore, editor of The Last Man Standing Anthology. We had an absolutely charming discussion with her about her work, the anthology and what was coming up in the process. Travis Roy joined us from Granite State Skeptics to talk about his upcoming panel at Granite State Comicon on May 23, 2010.
In cinema news, we talked about movies clustering for summer 3012, to include Battleship, Dark Knight 3, ST2, Spidey Reboot and Avengers. The new trailer for Trek Nation is garnering some serious acclaim. New footage of Metropolis has been found. Turning to TV, if there is a reason for genre television to die ungracefully, Heroes season 5 is it.Former writer and Pushing Daisies creator Bryan Fuller will be back full time for Volume 5, though it may be too late for most of us. We had a round robin on an article about Joss Weadon’s Top 6 Character Deaths. SyFy’s latest idea, a cooking show? Enjoy.