Edward-Willett-New-Headshot-696x872In this Cast we get to again speak author Edward Willett about his latest “juvenile” SF thriller Star Song; the adventures of Kriss, a young orphan boy, his off-worlder girlfriend Tevera and his touchlyre. One might rightfully ask , just what is a touchlyre, what  does it do, where does it come from…. and these are all good questions, many of which may be answered in the course of Kriss’ adventures with a spacefaring nomadic group known as The Families as well as a number of nefarious characters in the backstreets of the spaceports as well as his “mysterious benefactor” Andru. It’s an interesting adventure set in the far future and as Edwaed tells it. Well over 30 years in the making from first inception to final draft for him to be comfortable with the outcome of it. The story of how it came to be is as interesting as the novel itself. Enjoys the stories within stories within stories as much as we did.


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