Miles Cameron
Of all the things you can say about a book by Miles Cameron, it is NEVER boring and this is no exception. Against All Gods is a magnum opus encompassing continents and characters and events that is breathtaking in scope and you need a scorecard and map to keep track of. That being said, once you are acclimated to the settings, pace and characters , it is a wild ride into the imaginings of Miles interpretations of the interweaving of Gods and man and it’s never fails to confound and amaze in its tales.What kills me about this book is that as much as at times I want not to like it I really couldn’t because as confusingly complex, convoluted and interwoven as it can become,it is character driven, compelling and ultimately quite a beautiful study and kinda the way Miles writes.
Miles is now off to Plataea 2022 where a kid can be an ancient. Follow the links below to join him and he will be back when he returns to talk about it.
Previously on SFSN
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