Strange Frame: Love & Sax is a science fiction feature film created using cutout animation and written by Shelley Doty and GB Hajim. Directed by Hajim, the film is slated for 2012 release as the world's first animated lesbian-themed sci-fi film. Clips of the film debuted at the Los Angeles Bent-Con on December 3, 2011 and the complete film premiered in London on May 3, 2012.
Set at the end of the 28th century, the human race has long since abandoned a desolate earth. In order to survive, humanity has been using genetic engineering to adapt to otherworld environments, to the point where changing one's skin color or gender has become commonplace. On the moon Ganymede, saxophonist Parker (Claudia Black) and guitarist Naia (Tara Strong) develop a close relationship which allows them to perform as one.