Sandra responds to listener voicemails about birth control, getting a girlfriend, the problem with cowgirl, dating with too much armor on, and what to do about your erotic portrait displayed at your ex's place. TOPICS: Virgin STDs, Trusting Yourself, IUD, Withdrawal, Intimacy, Professional Driving, Dating Site Disappointment, Self Worth, Self-Esteem, Empty Dating Site Inbox, Activity Partners,, Seeking Medical Attention, Clit Lacerations, Embitterment Toward Women, Deal with Past Hurt, Ex-Casual Friend, Fear of Seeming Dishonest or Untrustworthy, Obligation and Tasteful Nudes. If you'd like to ask Sandra a question, leave a message at (310) 928-3261.
Publié le par Sandra Daugherty
Sex Nerd Sandra 2019
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