THE FINGER TEST! Sandra investigates multiple orgasms on all bodies with the help of sex expert Rebecca Alvarez of Body Feminine, filmmaker and drag performer Joshua Grannell (Peaches Christ) and even a little Allison Moon (Girl Sex 101). We explore questions about different kinds of multiple orgasms, who can have them and how! TOPICS: Drag celebrity superhero, Undercover sex, Drag gender, Sissy, John Waters, Rocky Horror, Heels vs Tucking, Corporate, Popular sex questions, Masturbation stats, Mirror test, Combo vs Back-to-back, Refractory, Ramping up, Male orgasm separation, Advanced Keeling, Bucket list, Penis towel exercise, Vaginal peace sign test, Penis popping out, Wet-small-and-weak, Tight college bag, Sufficient foreplay, Vacation sex, Uterus lifting, Male multiples, Anal orgasms, Touching the C,G,N, A and U spots, Peeing at ejaculation mystery, Spots on men, Million dollar spot, Taoism, Inguinal Canal, Spermatic Cord, Muffing, Spelunking and Tucking!
Publié le par Sandra Daugherty
Sex Nerd Sandra 2019
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